Thursday 15 September 2016

Spooky Thursday with Haunted Britannia - 21 grams

This post is something I have shared before but it defiantly deserves to be brought back up for spooky Thursday.

I'm not going to say anything about this as the video here explains everything you need to know.  It's a heavy subject so let's make it light on the reading.  As light as the soul perhaps.

Is the soul a real and measurable thing?  Does it really weigh 21 grams?

Sunday 11 September 2016

Live Stream Right Now - Ghost Watch

This is a first test to see how well ghost watch goes over Facebook live.  Please do come and join the stream and let us know if you spot anything.

Saturday 10 September 2016

The Hamburger Lady - Creepy Deep Web Video Explained

The Hamburger Lady video is meant to have been pulled from the deep web some time ago and has had a lot of speculation over where it comes from.  If you are unsure on what the deep web is then this diagram should help make it clear.  There are layers to the internet at different accessibility levels.  The lower levels are the deep web and are not accessible on a normal browser.  These are the Tor networks and you need the Tor browser to find them.

I have seen people saying that it's a cursed video, one of those "if you watch it you will die in three days" things.  I have heard some say the story behind it was real and it was made by the orderly or the doctor or even the spirit of the Hamburger Lady herself.  

The story is about a woman in a hospital suffering from major burns all over her body.  The doctor has written a journal entry about her and the way her flesh looks like hamburger meat.  He speaks of taking turns caring for her in her suffering and how an orderly was sick all over the floor from dealing with her.

I have had a dig around and I found a few things out about this video.  It is creepy for sure, that we know, but what is the real story of it and was she a real person?  Click below to watch my explanation video and see the original video taken from the deep web.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Spooky Thursday with Haunted Britannia - How does the Ouija board work?

So as promised last week it's time to talk about theories on how the Ouija board works.  This one is going to be short and really is more of a 'what do you think?' kind of deal.  So the main options are:

It's a ghost moving the glass/planchette.

It's the spirit making the people move to their will.

It's the people moving it on purpose.

It's the people moving it without realising.

The first three don't really need any further explaining but that last one is talked about a lot as to where the information is coming from.  If you ask something and the board gives a right reply then is it just you moving it subconsciously to what you want it to say even though you don't think you are?  Sometimes the answer is correct and you think you don't know the answer so it could not have been you that moved it, but is that always true?  Is it that you do know this information or is it in your head somewhere at the back and it again comes forward subconsciously?  Or, links in with point two, did you genuinely not know and the spirit is putting the information in your mind so you will pass it on through the board?

These questions don't stop at just the board.  They also apply to dowsing, automatic writing and table tipping to name just a few.

I am very on the fence with all this.  I do see that some people force it and cheat results which is totally pointless and defeats the object of what you are doing.  But do I believe that it is just human subconsciousness or actual spirit?  I can't decide. 

So which theory do you go with or do you have one of your own?  

Saturday 3 September 2016

Elliot Rodger - The Virgin Killer

Elliot Rodger was from money and fame, being the son of Peter Rodger the film director.  He was loved by his family, he had cash, nice expensive things, travelled the world and as if that wasn't enough he was also a pretty good looking cat.  Unfortunately he suffered from some major malfunction in the mind department.

Elliot had some kind of problem with speaking to people, especially the ladies, and this led to him being very lonely.  He craved for the life of those he saw around him and could not see a way that he might be able to have a slice of it.  He blamed them for not letting him have a great life rather than seeing that he was preventing it himself.  Other guys were all seen as being 'losers', 'brutes' and 'beasts' who were undeserving of beautiful girls and he found himself to be 'superior' in his money, car, clothing and intelligence.  He blamed the girls for not wanting him and said he could not understand why they don't.  From all accounts he didn't really talk to girls through shyness and when he did, they found him creepy.  From the videos he left behind and his manifesto that is very easy to understand.  

Elliot came across as a spoilt, ungrateful, misogynistic child with a hugely over inflated ego in his videos and I was shocked when I found out he was 22.  I not only think he looks younger but the strange mind set seems like one of a frustrated teenage boy, which is reinforced by his over use of the phrase 'it's not fare'.  He had been in therapy from a young age so it was pretty clear he had some kind of long standing mental issues but no one seemed to know the full extent of what he was capable of.

On May 23rd 2014, Elliot made a few last videos for his YouTube channel, emailed his manifesto titled "My Twisted World" to a few people and then set about his killing spree in Isla Vista, California.  He stabbed three male students to death in his apartment, two who lived there with him as room mates and a third who was visiting them.  He drove to a sorority house as planned in his final video but could not get in.  He got back in his car and shot at three female students around the corner.  Two of them died and the third was injured but survived.  After this he went by a deli and fired in, killing another male student.  He drove around and fired randomly at people on the street, hit people with the car and even ended up in a shoot out with police.  Elliot was hit in the hip but drove on until he crashed his car.  He then turned the gun on himself.

If you would like to read more in to his story and what happened then the wiki page is quite extensive.  You can still view Elliot's YouTube channel but the final video has been removed, however here is a compilation of all his videos made on that day which includes he final one.

You can also read the manifesto here or listen to it read out in the video below.  At first I thought it was a 10 minute video and then quickly realised it is actually 10 hours.  It's a long read.

Bellow is a 20/20 documentary all about the incident, how his problems were missed and the aftermath.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Spooky Thursday with Haunted Britannia - Ouija Boards: Kids toy or a gateway to hell?

The feelings on Ouija boards are like the feelings for Marmite, only it's less of a love/hate thing and more of a love/fear thing.  I am not going to go through the full history and origin of the board, but if you are interested in reading about it then click here.  I will just say it has been around since the mid to late 1800's and sprang up from the love of all things spiritual in that era.  One unconfirmed story I really like is about the name Ouija which is said to have come from the board itself being asked what it should be called, it was then asked what Ouija meant and the board replied "good luck".

So why are so many people scared of the Ouija board?  This is just my view on it but it seems to be mostly from stories and films, rumours and urban legend.  The boards were around and widely used for such a long time with very few people having a problem with them.  Then they were used in horror films as an obvious choice because they are very visual and can give accurate messages plus the added factor of the audience being able to do it at home with a home made board and very little know how.  This was fuel for the fear and the urban legends got more graphic in people's minds because of the movies.  When you hear about how someone did a Ouija board in real life and it said they would all die then the dog freaked out and the light bulbs all exploded, who did it happen to?  That's right, a friend of a friend.  You don't often find someone telling you this stuff first hand, and the excitement of telling a scary real life story naturally brings on over exaggeration and embellishment.  Even if it doesn't it ends up with the Chinese whispers effect of altering each time it is told.  So are the stories of Ouija boards greatly over exaggerated?  Yes, I would say they are.  Big time.

Ouija boards are just one of many ways to try and contact spirits, others including a seance, pendulums and calling out for sounds in return.  It all boils down to the same thing.  The only difference is what you are asking the spirit or energies to effect, a glass on a board or pendulum in your hand.  The board is just the one that has a bad rap.  Some people are also quite hesitant when it comes to a seance as they have been shown to be scary in films and stories too but what about the poor little pendulum?  Or the dowsing rods?  No one bats an eyelid at them because they are famous for finding water underground which is more interesting that scary.

So in conclusion I would say that you have no reason at all to be scared of the board and it can't be used to open portals or summon demons, it won't kill you or curse you.  I know some people will still disagree and say they are to never be used for fear of death and destruction but honestly I have used them on investigations so many times I have lost count and you know what?  I have never had a good, clear, straightforward message from one yet, never mind a curse placed on me and I am fine as are the rest of the crew.

There is another question about the boards though, a big one.  How do they work?  Sometimes they really do work and you manage to get correct answers from them, so how do you think this happens? Let's look at that one next week.  For now, let us know what you think of the Ouija board.  Are you scared of it?  Do you have a good story?  Let us know on the Haunted Britannia post comments.

Ouija at Toys R Us, fun for ages 8 and up.

Saturday 27 August 2016

The Hum

I became aware of The Hum quite a while back and find it very strange. I think I might have even heard it and not known about it, thinking it was a car running or distant industry.  Again for this one I am not going to go off in too much detail as below is a wonderful video from Thoughty2 who I highly recommend you check out on YouTube, I love his videos.

In short, The Hum is a low rumbling sound that has been reported all over the world with no clear cause.  There are many theories on what it is and where it comes from but an answer has never been found.  The Hum has even driven some people insane and terrified others.  

You can check out The World Hum Map and Database Project if you want to see where the reports of The Hum are coming from and what people have to say about it.  Has someone in your town reported it?  You can ever make a report yourself if you believe you have heard it.

Now get a cuppa, sit back and relax as the wonderful Thoughty2 explains all about The Hum.  Do subscribe to his channel, he is awesome.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Spooky Thursday with Haunted Britannia - Disneyland Ghost

Hello and welcome to the new Spooky Thursday which I am doing in partnership with Haunted Britannia.  The ghost hunting team are a new, more wide spread venture from the long standing local group Pontefract Paranormal.  I have been a member of PP for quite some time now, well over a year I think, maybe nearly two, and I am also now a crew member with HB.  I have a separate blog called Finding Slimer in which I enter my report as I see it from investigations I go on and I have a couple of personal spooky experiences on there too.  I am aiming to have something related to the paranormal world on here every Thursday for the purposes of debate among Haunted Britannia patrons and fans, so without further ado, let's get on to the first one and let's make it a big one to celebrate this newness.

This video was captured at Disneyland in 2009.  It is a recording of the security monitors as a ghostly figure roams around the closed park in the night.  Some people say it is a ghost, maybe even Walt himself, and others have rather different explanations.  I am going to try and go through some theories and ideas to see what I can make of this.  When doing any kind of paranormal investigation you need to try and debunk everything in as many ways as you can, otherwise you just end up believing anything and everything is a ghost.  Eg the cat fell off a table in the next room "ohh it was a ghost".  That kind of thing.  And that proves nothing.  Only once you have ruled out as much as possible can you then begin to really look at something as a real candidate for para normality.

So this video I have chosen because it is pretty clear to see what we are talking about and it is compelling.  You can see the figure is very human in some of the shots, not just a strange mass.  It walks across different cameras which all line up perfectly and passes through some closed gates and does a Jesus impression over the boat lake.  So what are the possible explanations for this?

Someone on the net has mentioned the idea of screen burn, the image has been shown on the screen for so long that it has burned in.  So the background would be burned in, not the figure.  I think the person was suggesting that there really is a person walking through the park but they didn't show properly through the burnt images.  This should not really make any difference to the image of people on the screen, they should still show up fine not like a white transparent figure.  If this was the case then all people would show like this all the time on that screen.  That would be creepy to look at but unfortunately there are no other people in the shot to confirm this.  Having watched old TV screens in my youth with screen burn though, I'm not buying this one at all.  If it is a real image of someone walking through, how do they walk through closed gates and over a boat lake?

Old VHS tapes being reused with the 'ghost' image still hanging around.  I buy this one more as that does happen.  Like a double exposure, you can see a little of what was on the tape before you recorded over it with something else.  I do have a little niggle with it.  This does explain how the figure walks through closed gates and I am guessing all the tapes will be recording the same cameras all the time over and over.  The figure walks the path perfectly but then walks over the lake?  It could be that the tape was changed from recording another location before BUT we are talking about this same image crossing over four different screens which are either A those same 4 cameras are on a constant feed to one tape so it would have meant someone did walk over the lake or B that 4 different tapes record each camera feed and this same image is on ALL of them separately at the same time which seems very unlikely.

It was suggested it might be a reflection on the screen.  This one I am not buying either because it's very human looking and it shows on 2 screens at once walking between cameras which perfectly sync up.

After all that you are left with the question of it being a hoax.  If this is a hoax then it's quite a good one and must have taken a bit of skill and time.  It was uploaded on a YouTube channel called ghostatdisneyland on the 15th September 2009 and was followed by another video on the 23rd and a final one on the 29th.  The channel has no real information on it and just these 3 videos all as from the security cameras.  So what can we get from this?

These were put here anonymously on a channel that was made just for them with the look of the name and the fact it was created on the same day as the first upload.  So it could be someone who works there leaking footage they have found or they have taken the basic footage and manipulated it digitally.  That could be just for fun as the videos do not seem to have been monetised for viewer revenue.  Seems like a lot of trouble to make content that you will not have credit or money for creating but some people do still do these things.  Another idea is that it was a viral ad created by Disneyland to promote Halloween events.  The date would check out on this one with it being mid to late September.

If you take a look at the other 2 videos on there you have this Tower of Terror one which shows flashes of someone sitting first behind and then to the side of this maintenance worker going through the ride.  Someone said this was images of the same man repeated and reflected but it clearly isn't the case as you can see from my still shots below.  This ride does however use screens and holograms to scare the riders.  I can't help but feel that the ghosts in this video look quite conveniently like holograms in a place where hologram projection is installed.

The final video does look to me like a good candidate for ghost image on VHS as it is one camera view of one spot.  It could be someone getting in the train before imprinted on the new recording.

So personally I am going with this being a Disneyland viral ad.  I think anonymous channel creation ties in to that well.  Not monetised so no links to another account for payments and no other advert interruptions over their videos which are in themselves adverts, well timed for Halloween and pretty good images like it might have had some real thought and money put in to it to make it quite convincing.  It does look from a quick search that they had a 2009 Halloween festival so that links in well too.

This is just my thoughts on it all and my personal conclusion but as with all things ghost, it is open to interpretation and it can be hard to truly pinpoint an exact right answer.  It is possible I am wrong and it really is a security guard who wanted to show the spooks without getting fired for releasing Disneyland security footage.  They could be real or there could be another explanation for them.

The main question is, what do you think?

Saturday 20 August 2016

Ever wanted to change your eye colour?

Thanks to modern day medical science you can.  Not just with regular contact lenses, but with a chunk of plastic permanently jammed under your cornea.  I don't know about you but I can think of nothing more appealing than having my eye balls sliced up like a cooked chicken.

Here is a news report on Bright Ocular and their eye changing ways, below this is a video from Bright Ocular of an implant being placed in the eye.  If that makes you cringe then get ready to hide behind something for the next video, removal of an implant that went baaaaaaaaaaaaad.

If you are happy with the current colour of your iris but still want to give your eye a little artificial pop of colour, why not consider an eye tattoo.  The white of your eye can be changed to any colour you like with a few injections of ink in to the cornea.  Lovely.

Saturday 13 August 2016


Botfly larvae are the things of nightmares.  The human Botfly (Dermatobia Hominis) female will capture a mosquito and attach her eggs to it's body and let it go.  Once the mosquito lands on a human (and some other primates) the eggs will enter at he point of the mosquito bite to incubate for 8 weeks in the subcutaneous layers of the skin. It will fall out and develop for a further week in the ground.

This species is native to the Americas from Southeastern Mexico (beginning in central Veracruz) to northern Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. The adult fly is quite large and resembles a bumblebee.

Here is a video of Botfly larvae removals.  Be warned, it's cringe inducing.  also if you suffer from Trypophobia it might trigger that too.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

It's my birthday, let's get our creep on

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.  So it's my birthday today and I decided to make an attempt at using the date to create a special Creep Sauce to celebrate.  The searching has brought up some nasty things and some pointless things.  I already know that Antonio Banderas is my birthday buddy and I have just found out that so is Kylie Jenner (woo bloody hoo).  

One thing I found that stood out above all others, something that is the right kind of creepy for Holy Creep Sauce was related to Charles Manson.  On August 10th 1969 his cult killed Leno and Rosemary LaBianca after killing Sharon Tate and four of her friends just the day before on August 9th.

Read about the August 10th murders Includes photos of the bodies but through external links so you don't have to see them if you don't want to.

Rosemary and Leno

The night before.  Top line killers, bottom line the victims

The Manson Family

Saturday 6 August 2016

Tickle in the ear

Hi creepsters.  I know I had been putting a creepy thing on everyday and that just recently I have been missing a few days.  I have not had as much time to dedicate to the blog lately as I had before.  I don't want to stop the blog though so I am going to reduce the post frequency to weekly rather than daily.  On that note, here is a man going to the doctor with a tickle in his ear.

Sunday 31 July 2016


Remember when I posted the video about Chernobyl and said I can think of a ghost town more ghostly than Pripyat?  Well this is the one.  Oradour-sur-Glane.  This is a very sad story from WW2 and the video below does show images of some of the bodies.  They are not really that graphic but people have different tolerances for such things and put the images together with the story and it's horrifying.

The village was destroyed by Nazis on the 10th of June 1944 and 642 of it's occupants were massacred including woman and children of all ages.  The men were put in a barn where machine guns were aimed at their legs.  They were shot down but mostly still alive, this is when they had fuel poured over them and they were burned alive.  The women and children had been put inside the church and locked in.  fires were lit around it and as they tried to escape from doors and windows they were met with the machine guns.  Many simply burned to death.  Only one 47 year old woman managed to get out alive.  She, another woman and a child had managed to get out at the back but all were shot.  She crawled, wounded in to some bushes and hid there until rescue came the following day.

After the war a new village was build nearby but Oradour-sur-Glane was ordered to be kept as it was by the French president.  It stands to this day and a museum and memorial.

Thursday 28 July 2016

The Polaroid in the car park

On June the 15th 1998 a woman found a Polaroid in a car park which depicted what seemed to be two young kidnap victims.  She said she had parked next to a windowless white van and gone in to a shop.  When she came back out to her car the van was gone and the photo was on the floor.

It is believed that the girl in the photo is Tara Calico who went missing the year before on September 20th in New Mexico.  She went out in the morning for a bike ride only to vanish, her and the bike, and never be seen again.  No one saw her being taken but it is widely accepted that she was kidnapped.  There was a sighting of a truck following her as she was riding but this could be just a truck going the same way as her cycle route.  The boy in the photo has not been identified.  There was a claim it was Michael Henley who went missing in April 88.  However his body was found in 1990 in the Zuni mountains, 7 miles from his families camp site and 75 miles away from where Tara had gone missing.  It is believed he had gone off alone for some reason, maybe he became lost, and died of exposure. 

There has been recent efforts to find Tara and look in to the origins of the photo but so far they have turned up empty handed.


By Source, Fair use,

Wednesday 27 July 2016


I was going through a site called PetitTube (go try it, it's odd) and I found this.  Botcaster.  It says it is a smart robot that learns from the net and uploads videos from what it learns.  It has shocking numbers of videos even though it was only started in January this year.  If you go on the playlists you will see the mammoth collections of different video types.  It's been telling jokes (bad ones) and reading the Bible as well as giving definitions for thousands of words.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Don't Move

Time for a short horror movie me thinks.  The kind of thing you can watch before going to bed tonight to give you some good old fashioned nightmares.

Don't Move is set in a house just after playing with an Ouija board.  I am a part time ghost hunter and have used them loads, they are not scary and do not summon demons.  However this one does summon a demon because it's a horror film.  This demon is hard of hearing and has sight problems so the people are reasonably safe if they just Don't Move and stay quiet.  The last one alive gets to live.

Give the full movie a watch here, it only 15 minutes of your life but it might haunt you forever.

Monday 25 July 2016


I know this site is already a very popular one but not everyone knows about it so I am going to point you in it's direction anyway.  Creepypasta is the place for the public, yep that's you out there, to write creepy fiction and have it featured for the world to read.  The site is packed full of creepy stories for a night in alone.

Sunday 24 July 2016

The Sodder Children

The Sodder children were either killed in a fire or went missing. No one knows which, no one knows where they are and it's likely that no one ever will.  This video from the wonderful Cayleigh Elise tells you the full story in depth.

Saturday 23 July 2016

Salad Mix Up

I made this ages ago.  It's a cross over of David Firth's Salad Fingers and Aphex Twin.  Please do give it a watch and hop on over to the Holy Creep Sauce channel and subscribe to get the usual creepy stories in video form.

Friday 22 July 2016

Chernobyl Tour

I have always wanted to visit a ghost town and this has to be the most ghostly of all ghost towns (there is one I can think of that might actually be more ghostly but I will leave that for another day).  I'm going to assume you know about the Chernobyl disaster as I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't know at least some about it.  If you don't then you can read about it here.  This is a 5 part video set by Exploring with Josh.  He takes us on his tour around the abandoned city of Pripyat which was evacuated just after the disaster in 1986 and has been left unoccupied ever since.

Thursday 21 July 2016


This is one of those YouTube channels that just makes you go "Whaatttttt??"  The videos are quite diverse and some are just crazy.  I saw somewhere, but for the life of me I can't remember where it was, that someone managed to email the owner of the channel and they got a reply saying something along the lines of don't tell anyone, forget this email, you got too close already, delete this if you value your life.  Again.... Whaatttttt??

Take a look and see what you think.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Poppy, creepy as hell

I have only just got on this Poppy band wagon.  This channel seems a bit normal and dull when you see the stills.  Yeah yeah another girl just talking about hair and make up and teenage drama stuff. Not of interest to those of us with a taste for the creepy stuff.  She is a pop star with fluffy music videos.

WRONG!!!  Just watch her.  You can't help but click on video after video.  They are all so short and....unnerving.  She appears to be an art channel that focuses on celebrity culture.  She's so creepy.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Amy Lynn Bradley

Amy Lynn Bradley was a 23 year old American on a cruise ship named Rhapsody of the Seas in 1998 when she disappeared without a trace.  She has never been found.

She had been up dancing and drinking with the ships band on the night of the 23rd of March through to the morning of the 24th.  She parted from them and her father saw her asleep on the deck.  He later went back to check on her but she was gone.

The ship docked at Curacao, Antilles not long after it was found she was missing.  The ship and sea were searched but there was no trace of her.  It was thought that she may have fallen in to the sea and been lost but reports followed that indicated otherwise.

Two Canadian tourists said they saw her on the beach in Curacao in 98 and a member of the Navy claims he saw her in a brothel in 99, telling his she was Amy Bradley and asking him to help her.  In 2005 someone in Barbados claimed to have seen her in the toilets of a department store.

Photos were also sent to the family showing a woman posing sexually who looks very much like her.  This along with the brothel sighting has caused people to believe she may have been kidnapped and sold to sex slavery.  But no one actually knows for sure.

Monday 18 July 2016

The strange mind of David Firth

You may remember an online animation series from a few years back that goes by the name of Salad Fingers.  I know he wasn't a household name but he did become very popular with a lot of people.  

Well Salad Fingers is the brain child of crazy animator David Firth and Mr. Fingers is only mildly creepy next to some of David's other offerings.  I could sit and watch his animations all day as you never quite know what is going to happen and what the tone will be.  

Anyone who likes anything strange and unusual should have a David Firth night followed by a night of weird crazy nightmares.

Sunday 17 July 2016

99 rooms

This is a very strange site.  Can you get through all 99 rooms?  I got to 37.  This is probably one of those for a dark night on your own with the headphones on.

Saturday 16 July 2016


Wiki says "An alternate reality game (ARG) is an interactive networked narrative that uses the real world as a platform and uses transmedia storytelling to deliver a story that may be altered by players' ideas or actions."

You can find a few of these on YouTube and below is one that seems only have been running since January this year. I will be highlighting a few others in later posts.

The games normally consist of codes and hidden clues and secrets that people have to work out and follow to find a message or meaning behind it all.

This channel uses Hex code along with others.  You can find decoders on the net just by Google searching for them.

I have not yet seen all the way through this channel myself but I am working my way through and have decoded some of the Hex in earlier videos.  The video 'Nervous Hex.avi' is numbers and letter read backwards.  I downloaded the sounds and ran it through Audacity to flip it.  Then I typed them in to a converter online and it said 'Northampton State Hospital Hassachusetts'.  No idea if the typo is intentional or not.  This is just an example of the kind of thing you might be looking for to follow an ARG.

UPDATE: I have gone through more of Slob Room and the channel has changed now with the creator talking about ARG's and YouTube channels.......still in the mask though.

Friday 15 July 2016

Modern day murders

Killers are often spoken of as a thing of the past, especially the really gruesome gory ones with extra sick minds.  However there are still serial killers and twisted murderers in the world at large and unless you frequent the likes of Best Gore (graphic warning) you might not really get to hear much about it.

Two of the most noted cases of recent times are commonly known as 1 lunatic, 1 ice pick and 3 guys, 1 hammer.  I am not going to link these as they are VERY graphic but they can be found if you want to find them.

1 lunatic, 1 ice pick was the sick work of Luka Magnotta, a former porn actor.  He might be a pretty boy but he is one sick puppy.  Lin Jun was a student in Montreal who was last seen on May 24th 2012.  On the following day the 11 minute video was uploaded to Best Gore showing a man tied naked to a bed.  He was stabbed many times over with an ice pick and a kitchen knife.  He was then dismembered and these were acts of necrophilia.  Police believe there was some cannibalism involved too.

On May 29th a package was delivered to the Conservative Party of Canada containing a left foot.  A package containing a left had was stopped at the post office, addressed to the Liberal Party.  A janitor found a decomposing torso in a suitcase left in a rubbish pile behind an apartment building.  The right hand and right foot had been posted to schools.

Luka absconded but was caught in an internet cafe on the 4th of June 2012 while looking at himself on the net.

Mark Marek, the founder of Best Gore was also caught up in the Magnotta case for allowing the video on his site.  He was arrested and charged for corruption morals and I believe to this day he still has no control over the site himself.  The site is now run by friends and members of the Best Gore community.

                                          Lin Jun                             Luka Magnotta                                       

                                          Mark Marek of Best Gore

After all that nastiness, let's leave 3 guys, 1 hammer for another day.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Seeing without eyes

Here is a little more super human action for you today.  This is Ben Underwood.  He had cancer of the retina and lost both his eyes at a very young age.  But Ben seemed to turn part bat when he began to use echo location to see even small details.  This is just a short clip of him seeing his way around but I have seen him before giving very good descriptions of things just by clicking at them.

Sadly Ben passed away in 2009 at the age of 16 due to a return of cancer but he leaves this unbelievable skill on record.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Little ghost, little ghost, what I'm scared of the most

Can a ghost be caught on camera?  Maybe.  There are a lot of people out there saying they have done it though many of these tend to end up being faked.  Here is a picture for your consideration.

These lot were having a get together and decided to take some snaps.  The little girl had apparently been getting upset a lot and saying the boy was scaring her.  When she refused to pose with them for a photo and just stood crying at the scary boy they thought it was just her childhood over active imagination and carried on.  When looking back over the photos at a later date, they found a boy peering out from between them.

Is the story true?  Did they fake the image?  Was it some kind of tech glitch?  Or is it true that children can see ghosts when adults can't?

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Sitting and Smiling

A YouTube channel that does exactly what it says on the tin.  

Benjamin Bennet is a performance artist who has been performing sitting and smiling for a VERY long time.  He puts on his web cam, gets comfortable and then he sits and smiles and nothing more......for four hours.

The first video is dated July the 28th 2014 and to date there are 219 videos (at the time of writing this, with the last one being added three hours ago).

In that time he has had a couple of slight problems.  In one episode he forgot to go pee before starting and wets himself, but the really crazy one is early on.  Episode 5 has a special guest.  He is sat there doing his thing when someone breaks in to his house and opens the door behind him.  What does he do?  He sits and smiles.

UPDATE: I am currently sat here watching Sitting and Smiling on live steam #221  There is something even more unsettling about it when it's actually live.  Knowing he is sat there right now with that creepy smile and his eyes burning a hole in to my soul.

Monday 11 July 2016

Google if you dare

Today I am not going to give you a picture or a video.  No stories or files.  Just a word.  One word that when Googled will bring up some really gross pictures.


Google if you dare.

Sunday 10 July 2016

Human ice-pop

I have seen plenty of cases where people become frozen and then thaw out to survive but this one really takes the biscuit.

19 year old Jean Hilliard ended up walking in the snow after her car broke down.  She was frozen solid....but lived.

Saturday 9 July 2016

Unusual funerals

There are some strange funerals out there and here are just seven of them.  What do you think about posing the dead as they were in life?  I quite like it.

Friday 8 July 2016

The creepiest of Creepy Pasta

I think we all know Creepy Pasta, but if you don't, it's a place for fictional stories of a creepy nature.  I have read this pasta before and I find it a very weird and creepy one.  Here it is being read to you.  The Russian Sleep Experiment.  Enjoy my creepy ones.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Impossible skills?

Let's talk about super humans.  Regular people with abilities that seem impossible.

This is Isao Machii and he can slice a tiny BB gun pellet with a samurai sward as it flies through the air at 200 mph.  Crazy mad skills of perception that should not even be possible. Secret super hero?

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Death Row - Last Words

Here you can see who has been executed for their crimes in Texas, updated as and when.  It gives information about the person and their crime as well as their final statement before death.  It's grim and it's sad.

Monday 4 July 2016

On the Writings of the Insane

On the Writings of the Insane is a book written in 1870 by G. Mackenzie Bacon M.D. and it is exactly what it says on the tin.  

Here is a link to the scanned book.  Enjoy.

Sunday 3 July 2016

The Voynich Manuscript

Wilfred Voynich was a Polish book dealer who purchased the manuscript in 1912.  It's origins are unknown.

It is a codex, written in a text that is indecipherable but on studies by code breakers, they find that it does have some meaning behind it rather than random jibber jabber, and it is written left to right.

It has around 240 pages though there are some pages missing.  It is filled with strange drawings and diagrams.  Carbon dating has shown that it was made some time in the early 15th century.  No one has been able to read it and no one knows what it is or what it means.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Visual Birth and Death

Here is a world map with a simulation of birth and death in real time.  It is worked out using real data to give a realistic view of how many people are coming and going and at what pace.

Friday 1 July 2016

Ricky McCormick and the Encrypted Notes

Ricky McCormick lived in Missouri until his death in 1999.  He was found dead and very decomposed in a corn field only five days after going missing.  He was a high school drop out and it was said by his family that he could only write his name.

He had been seen getting a check up in hospital on the 25th of June, he had heart and lung problems.  He was then found in an advanced state of decomposition by a woman driving through a field which was 15 miles from his home.  He was identified by finger prints.

12 years later the authorities announced that he had actually been found with two notes in his pockets written in some kind of code.  His family didn't even know about this finding until it was on the news.  They said there was no way he would be able to write such a thing.  The FBI have been appealing for help in cracking the codes, believing it may lead to his killer, but as yet there have been no breakthroughs despite all the interest in the case.  It is being listed as a mystery along with the likes of Tamam Shud.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Skyway Bridge

This website keeps a check on the Skyway Bridge in Florida.  It has a very high rate of suicides and here you can find a live report of the attempts, success and saves of the people going there to jump.  It does make for grim reading but hey, that's what this blog is about.

If this is something you find interesting though, there is also a documentary called The Bridge which can be found on Netflix.  This is about the same kind of thing but at The Golden Gate Bridge.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Staggering Beauty

Another strange site for you to visit but not if you have epilepsy.  This is a simple black worm that likes to follow you around but he also likes to go clubbing.  Might make you jump as well so watch out if you have a heart problem too.

Monday 27 June 2016

YYYYYYY Random Insanity

This one is a bit of silliness.  Everything seems to be random and changes every time you refresh the page.  Lots of colours, images, animations and sounds.

Sunday 26 June 2016

Planes Crashing

This is a very real site.  Unlike some of the legends and "is it real, is it fake?" things I have been posting.  Very real and very eerie.

This site is a mixture of cockpit recordings and transcripts from the final communications aircraft had with ground control before they crashed. This is one for those with darker interests.

Saturday 25 June 2016

Cave of Shadows

This is one seriously weird YouTube.  I have not been through all of it myself but there is a great video from Scare Theater telling you all about it but he finished before this did.  The channel might actually still be going on now so who knows where this will end up.  It is linked with other channels linked below, and has a young lad, Elias Doyle, who was investigating the strange channels who ends up being their 'subject' and a lot of really weird goings on take place.  It looks like it has come to a holt for now but gives a hint of more coming.  This seems to be a growing genre of it's own, web theater.  There are Twitter accounts for all as well.

Friday 24 June 2016

Deep Web Alien or Musical Weirdo?

Tamam Shud - A Mystery Corpse

At 6:30 am on the 1st of December 1948 a man was found dead on Somerton beach near Adelaide, Australia.  

He had no identification and a public appeal brought no information on the man at all.  To this day no one knows who he was or why he was dead on the beach.  When an autopsy was performed no cause of death could be found.

A re-enactment of how and where the man was found.

His pockets contained a used bus ticket from the city, an unused second-class rail ticket from the city to nearby Henley Beach, a narrow aluminium American comb, a half-empty packet of Juicy Fruit chewing gum, an Army Club cigarette packet containing (the different brand of) Kensitas cigarettes, and a quarter-full box of Bryant & May matches.

One month later a suitcase was also found at the train station and is believed to have belonged to him.  This still didn't give any clue as to who he was.  The case contained:

■ Red checked dressing gown

■ Red felt slippers, size 7

■ Undergarments - four pairs

■ Pyjamas

■ Four pairs of socks

■ Shaving kit containing razor and strop, shaving brush

■ Light brown trousers with sand in cuffs

■ A screwdriver

■ A cut-down table knife

■ A stencilling brush

■ A pair of scissors

■ A sewing kit containing orange Barbour's brand waxed thread

■ Two ties

■ Three pencils

■ Six handkerchiefs

■ Sixpence in coins

■ A button

■ A tin of brown shoe polish, Kiwi brand

■ One scarf

■ One cigarette lighter

■ Eight large envelopes and one small envelope

■ One piece of light cord

■ One shirt without a name tag

■ One yellow coat shirt (a shirt with an attached collar)

■ Two airmail stickers

■ One eraser

■ One front and one back collar stud

■ Toothbrush and toothpaste

Months after he was found, someone going back over the case found a small scrap of paper in the fob pocket of his trousers.  It said Tamam Shud in print, which is Persian for either ended or finished and it was identified to be ripped from a book.  It was worked out that the book was Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, a book of 12th century poetry.  

A man heard of this case and the book.  He came forward with a copy of the book that he had found tossed in to the back of his car the night before the man was found.  The back page was missing where this phrase would have been printed.  On the inside of the books back cover they found indentations from hand writing which showed a code that has never been deciphered.


There have been many people working on this case and it has spanned out all over the world.  There are many theories and some possible ideas on who he might have been but there is nothing solid anywhere.  This is still now considered a great mystery and we will probably never know who he was, why he was there or what it all means.